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We feel it’s only right that being an Insight Leader should involve a bit of, well, insight leadership. That’s why on this page, you’ll find us airing our news on topical marketing, communication and research issues.

A Sober Trend

The holiday season is behind us. Jolliness and bonhomie are no longer mandatory; festive excess feels like a painful memory.

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Brand Resurrection

178 years of Travel & Tourism history came to an end on Monday, with the collapse of Thomas Cook. Since then, there has been a flurry of opinions and questions: What went wrong?

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Consumers are becoming ‘greener’ in their purchase considerations. Various data shows Millennials are leading the way, with Gen Z swiftly following and Gen X, Baby Boomers, even the Silent Generation displaying significant engagement.

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Brand Promise

What is a brand? It’s more than a mark, a logo, icon, or business name in a unique font. As impressive as that logo may look, it isn’t the “brand” in the true sense—and it certainly isn’t what makes the brand valuable.

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